Mary Frantz played the keyboard at the WIDE-LP Radio Transmitter Garage in 2017. She turned 100 years old in May and plans to return to the venue this year for a special performance!
Want to learn to play the harmonica?
There are two opportunities on Make Music Day with The Cash Box Kings and The Harmonica Man!
Visit our website to find out more information about the events!
#makemusicday #makemusicmadison
Juicee Monroe for the 608 Culture Movement!
Registration and matchmaking for Make Music Madison is officially closed.
Visit the link below to find promotion and marketing materials as well as tips for preparing for Make Music Day!!
Today is the last day to register to perform or host an event for Make Music Madison! Click the link in our bio to register now!
Anyone still finalizing shows who cannot meet this deadline should email info@makemusicmadison.com with their plans and any questions
Tomorrow is the last day to finalize your shows in our registration system!
Click the link in our bio to find out more information.
🗣️🗣️REMINDER🗣️🗣️- June 1st is the last day to confirm your shows for Make Music Madison 2023.
Click the link in our bio to learn more and find your perfect match now!
#makemusicday 2023 is shaping up to be our biggest year yet! We are so excited to jam with the over 450 talented artists and musicians next month.
Want in on the fun? Help us reach our goal of 500 shows by registering by TOMORROW, May 25th. We can’t wait to rock out with you! 🤘🎸🎶
Barbara Vedder talks about the inspiration behind Make Music Madison and how she helped bring Fête de la musique to Madison!
Vedder is a former member of the Madison Common Council and Dane County Board of Supervisors.
#madisonwi #MakeMusicDay #fetedelamusique #music #livemusic
Make Music Madison is a product of its community support. We are so thankful for all the contributions we receive to help make this day a success!
Check out this list of a few of the ways you can help us keep up the live musical merriment every June 21!
📷: Anya Kubilus
We’re always looking for new venues to host our performers! Looking to get involved and need help getting started? Check out this video to learn everything you need to know about how to register for Make Music Day 2023.
Registration closes May 25th, so don’t delay!
Registration for Make Music Day 2023 closes May 25th! Need help registering as a performer? Check out this video!! #makemusicmadison
Make Music Madison would not be possible without the generous support from the Madison community.
We are so thankful for those donating their time, energy and resources towards making Make Music Day 2023 a success. We’d also like to extend a special “thank you” to our 2023 sponsors! ❤️
For more information on our sponsors and to find more ways to get involved, visit makemusicmadison.org/support !
Make Music Madison is supported in part by grants from the Madison Arts Commission & Wisconsin Arts Board with funds from the State of Wisconsin and the National Endowment for the Arts.
The artwork for Make Music Day 2023 is officially here! Thank you to Tyler Brusnell for sharing your talents with us and creating the artwork for this year!
Tyler Brunsell is an emcee and Co-Founder of Supa Friends, a Hip Hop group based in Madison, WI. While still unsure of his fullest potential as someone who creates, he's been included as a teaching artist in numerous Hip Hop literacy initiatives, such as Urban Community Arts Network's (UCAN) Academic Rap Up, a program that allows students to express their knowledge through rhyme. By day, Tyler's focus is geared toward administrative assistance for UCAN, podcast development for Studio 22, and graphic design, which leaves just enough room for him to continue defining his artistry under moonlight.
Preparations for #MakeMusicDay 2023 are well underway! We are so proud to share that we already have OVER 100 shows confirmed for this year!
Want to join the fun? Venue registration is open until May 25th! Click the link in our bio to get started.
#makemusicday is just around the corner and you're not gonna want to miss it! Make Music Madison has something for everyone, and we can't wait until the city comes together again to celebrate music.
See you June 21st!
Calling all performers! Artist Registration for #makemusicday 2023 is now open. Anyone and everyone are invited to share their musical talents with the city of Madison on June 21st regardless of age, genre or experience level. If you love to make music, this is the event for you! Click the link in our bio to get started. Registration closes May 25th.
Photo credit: Ben Zastrow
For Make Music Madison, 82 is a special number.
In 1982, Jack Lang and his staff at the Ministry of Culture in France introduced a new kind of music festival, one where everyone would be able to share their musical talents with their community.
Today, Make Music Day is celebrated in over 1,000 cities around the world. Make Music Day 2023 marks 10 years since the first celebration in Madison!
Make Music Day 2023 is approaching in just a few short weeks! We hope you're as excited as we are. To get involved, visit our website at makemusicmadison.org
The time has come! Venue registration for #MakeMusicDay 2023 is now open.
Any place where people can gather to listen to music counts as a venue. If you have a space, you can host live music. Sidewalk? Garden? Coffee shop? Anything goes!
Click the link in our bio to get started! Registration closes May 25th.
Photo Credit: Pete Olsen
We are so excited for Make Music Madison 2023! To prepare, here’s a refresher on the essential information you need to know about Make Music Madison. We hope you come rock out with us on June 21st! #makemusicday #makemusicmadison
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